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Welcome to the Ripose web site 
Change management  
The Ripose Technique regards change is an inevitable part of the business cycle. However change for the sake of change is unproductive.

A change can be defined as 'the process or result of making or becoming different; the process or result of giving a different form or appearance; to leave or discard for another' and according to a thesaurus, can also be to amend; conversion; enhance; metamorphosis; substitution; transfiguration; transformation; or transmutation.

Before changing an application/solution, it is imperative that management revisit their objectives to identify which type of objective will be effected. Thus the cycle shown on our home page will be followed to bring about an orderly change.

Click on the diagrams to navigate the Ripose Technique.
The Ripose navigator
The Ripose navigator

brochure include:
- Ripose compiler

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Objectives. The beginning Knowledge. Next step after objectives: How Ripose defines strategies. Next step after Knowledge Prototyping. Next step after strategies Build and implement solutions. Next step after prototyping Change management. Next step after solutions